Gabi Garcia se ajoelha e chora após ficar 12,7kg acima do peso; assista

Brasileira alegou que passou por problemas e chegou a ter sangramento no nariz e pressão alta


Depois de não bater o peso por uma diferença de 12,7kg, a brasileira Gabi Garcia pediu desculpas no ringue do Rizin. Pela falha da lutadora, o combate contra Shinobu Kandori, de 53 anos, foi cancelado no Japão.

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“Só digo desculpas por tudo isso. É a primeira vez que isso aconteceu na minha vida, mas passei por problemas três semanas antes da luta e achei que tinha me recuperado. Mas, no meu primeiro treino aqui, meu nariz sangrou e minha pressão alta. Tive muitos problemas”, alegou Gabi.

A atleta chegou a chorar enquanto tentava explicar o que aconteceu. “Estou tão triste e chorando muito, porque é a primeira vez que entro por este caminho dos fundos", conta.

Para mostrar que estava arrependida, Gabi ainda se ajoelhou enquanto pedia desculpas à organização japonesa. Kandori acompanhou de perto da cena.

Nas redes sociais, a brasileira divulgou fotos para provar que não estava metindo sobre o seu drama para cortar o peso.


Everyone is looking for an excuse, but when it comes to health and our lives they can say it's anything. My life first. pass the photos to the side! Unfortunately a few days ago I measured my pressure and was high, I thought it was only that day. When I got off the plane in Japan I went to my training and started to have a headache, my eyesight blurred and my nose bleeding all the time. I warned my team, but I did not tell anyone because I did not give up. After all my training, my nose was bleeding from leaving a towel next to it. It was fine the night before and I decided to cut the weight the next morning, but I woke up with fever and again with my nose dripping, high blood pressure. Too much stress before traveling, unfortunately I still do not control my body, but I control my decisions. For those who have lost a brother, dying for a cut of weight would not be my choice. All together, menstrual period, high blood pressure, it was necessary to cut 17 pounds. I chose to live. No need to post any explanation, but no one knows what people are going through. Do not judge. Thank you @rizin_pr @rizin_staff for cherishing my life. I went up to the Saitama ring and apologized to my fans, who continue to support me and asked for my return. I'm going to rest, and get better back in 2018. With lots of news and going all the way. #rizinff #rizin2017 #gabigarcia #teamgabigarcia

Uma publicação compartilhada por Gabi Garcia RizinFF (@gabigarciaoficial) em


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